What is the difference between digital and analog?

Digital and analog, don’t you think that something that uses a computer is digital? In this article, we will explain the difference between digital and analog, the advantages and disadvantages of each, through actual examples. Know the difference between analog and digital, and take advantage of their characteristics.

Overview of digital and analog

Digital is “ step-by-step cutting of continuous data ”. The mechanism of a digital clock is an easy-to-understand example of digital. Analog is ” a representation of continuous data in a visible amount “, and the second hand of an analog clock is an easy-to-understand example.

To understand the difference between digital and analog, it is useful to compare digital and analog clocks. This section provides an overview of digital and analog.

(1) What is digital?

Digital is “a process that cuts out continuous data step by step and represents it with numbers and symbols”. It is derived from the Latin word digitus (finger), and is said to be derived from the action of folding one’s fingers when counting.

A digital clock is an easy-to-understand digital example. Digital clocks change numbers every 1 minute and 1 second, but in reality there are 1.99 seconds between 1 second and 2 seconds.

Since the digital clock cuts out the data in the middle of changing from 1 second to 2 seconds, it is displayed at 2 seconds after 1 second.

Computers are the best example of this technology. Nowadays, there are more and more cases where digital is synonymous with computer, but strictly speaking, digital is a display method, and computer is a machine that uses digital.

You need to understand that “digital doesn’t always mean using a computer”.

(2) What is analog?

Analog is “a representation of continuously changing data in visible quantities.” It is said to be derived from the Latin word “analogy”. There seems to be a theory that analogy in English refers to “similarity, similarity, metaphor”.

An analog clock is an easy-to-understand example of analog. An analog clock shows time with a short hand, a long hand, and a second hand. The second hand continues to move without stopping, making it possible to visually see how time is progressing.

The “hourglass”, which shows the flow of time with falling sand, is also a typical example of analog.

(3) Comparing analog and digital clocks makes it easy to see the difference

Comparing an analog clock with a digital clock makes the difference between digital and analog clear. A digital clock has no representation of how it progresses from 1 second to 2 seconds. When it switches from 1 second to 2 seconds, it is 1 instant.

On the other hand, the analog clock keeps the second hand moving while it switches from 1 second to 2 seconds. However, while the digital clock clearly shows the current time in seconds, the analog clock is ambiguous .

This clarity and ambiguity is the difference between digital and analog .

#1: Example 1 | Is the abacus an analog device?

The abacus is classified as a digital device. The definition of analog is “a visible quantity representing continuously changing data”. On the other hand, the definition of digital is “to cut out continuous data step by step and represent it with numbers and symbols”.

The abacus represents the transition of numbers in stages. Compared to a calculator, the abacus is easily mistaken for an analog device at first glance, but if you think about how it works, you will understand that it is a digital device.

#2: Example 2 | Is Go a digital device?

Go is also classified as digital, just like the abacus. It can be said that the change is represented step by step because the stones are placed along the squares where the range is delimited on the board.

Similar to the case of the abacus and calculator, board games in general are misunderstood as analog in comparison to computer games, but in terms of mechanics, Go is a digital game.

Characteristic difference between digital and analog

The difference between digital and analog is the method of replication and transmission. Digital data is easy to duplicate because it expresses data using numerical values ​​and indicators, but analog data cannot be easily duplicated because it does not have clear numerical values ​​or symbols.

Also, while digital data can be transmitted using a personal computer, physical movement is required to transmit analog data. Here, we will explain the difference between handling digital and analog data.

(1) Possibility of reproduction

Digital represents data with numbers and indicators, so it can be replicated. Computer and digital are treated as synonyms because of their ease of reproduction. Digital data can be easily digitized, so data can be copied to a PC.

As a result, digital data is handled as electronic data on a PC, so digital means a computer. On the other hand, duplication of analog data is basically impossible. As you can see from analog clocks and hourglasses, analog data is ambiguous in nature.

There is no clear numerical value or symbol, and the same thing cannot be reproduced, so it cannot be duplicated.

(2) Reproducibility

It would be difficult to reproduce analog things digitally. One of the characteristics of analog is that it can express fine nuances. Recreating it digitally is not easy.

For example, in the case of a painting, it is possible to capture it with a camera and reproduce it as image data. However, it is not possible to reproduce the nuances of handwriting and shadows caused by unevenness in oil and acrylic paintings. The sound effects and noise of a record will not be reproduced on a CD.

Conversely, it is also difficult to reproduce digital things in analog. Digital is intermittent information, so there is not enough information to make it analog.

Digital and analog are difficult to reproduce each other.

(3) Method of communication

The primary transmission method for digital data is the computer. Computers in everyday use, such as personal computers and smartphones, can digitize digital data using the binary system.

Transmission using personal computers and the Internet is the primary method of transmission of digital data. Email and chat can be said to be representative examples of digital communication methods.

Analog data transmission is a physical method. It can be said that the movement of the object itself is the transmission of analog data. Postal mail and courier services are typical examples of analog transmission methods.

Advantages and disadvantages of digital

The advantage of using digital is reproducibility. Duplication is easy because there are clear numbers and symbols. In today’s so-called information society, digital data is indispensable.

On the other hand, the disadvantage of digital is that it cannot be handled intuitively. Expressing it numerically makes it difficult to grasp the image, and on the contrary, it becomes difficult to understand. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of digital.

(1) Advantages of using digital technology

The advantage of using digital is reproducibility. Since there are clear numbers and symbols, it can be easily duplicated and is useful for information sharing. Especially in today’s information society, digital data is indispensable. Here, we will explain the reasons for reproducibility.

#1: Accurate

High accuracy is the reason for high reproducibility of digital data. Accuracy can also be understood. Even if some digital data feels ambiguous, it is clear what they are referring to because they are represented by constant numbers and symbols.

If it is a digital thermometer, it will be displayed numerically that the body temperature is 36.5 degrees. If it is a body temperature, the difference between 37.5 degrees and 37.4 degrees can be clearly seen numerically. Easy to understand is the reason why the reproducibility of digital data is high.

#2: Easy to store and duplicate data

The ease of data storage and duplication is another reason for the high reproducibility of digital data. Digital has clear numerical values ​​and symbols, so it is easy to duplicate and save sound sources and images.

Therefore, you can also share digital data with your computer or smartphone. Digital data, which can be easily stored and reproduced, plays a major role in the information society.

(2) Disadvantages of using digital technology

The disadvantage of digital is that it cannot be handled intuitively. There are cases where it is difficult to grasp the image, and conversely, it is difficult to understand by expressing clearly with numbers and symbols. Here, I will explain why it is difficult to grasp the image of digital data.

#1: Difficult to perceive by senses

The reason why it is difficult to grasp the image is that it is difficult to perceive with the senses. It’s easy to understand at a glance because it’s digitally displayed as a clear number, but you need to convert it in your head.

In terms of clocks, if you have an analog clock, you can intuitively know that 30 minutes have passed just by looking at the position of the hands on the clock. On the other hand, with a digital clock, it is necessary to calculate by looking at the numbers and recognizing the time.

What is represented by the numerical value is that there is also an aspect that it is not suitable for sensory perception.

#2: Difficulty conveying subtle nuances

The fact that it is difficult to convey detailed nuances is also the reason why it is difficult to grasp the image of digital data. Human beings are naturally easier to understand when they are represented by illustrations and shapes than by numbers and symbols.

It’s easier to have a map to show you the way than it is to tell you the way in words or sentences. There is a limit to expressing fine nuances with numbers and letters alone.

Advantages and disadvantages of analog

The advantages and disadvantages of using analog are the flip side of digital. For humans who receive information through their eyes and ears, being able to use it intuitively is a great advantage. On the other hand, the lack of accuracy and the difficulty of duplication are disadvantages for the information society.

In this section, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using analog.

(1) Advantages of using analog

The advantage of using analog is that you can use it intuitively. For humans, who receive information through their eyes and ears, analog data can be said to be naturally handled.

By leaving ambiguity, you can understand with an image. Here, we will explain the advantages of using analog.

#1: Communicate subtle nuances

The advantage of using analog is that you can convey detailed nuances. Analog is a legacy of continuity and ambiguity. Therefore, the changing state can be expressed as it is.

For example, when comparing CDs, which are digital media, and records, which are analog media, records can express sounds that are closer to the original, such as deeper sounds and subtle differences in sound.

If you have an analog clock, you will understand the speed of second and second. The advantage is that the image of the original information can be conveyed.

#2: Highly confidential because it is not easy to duplicate

Since it is not easy to duplicate, it also has the advantage of being highly confidential. Analog data cannot be duplicated because it does not have clear numerical values ​​or symbols. The inability to duplicate is itself a disadvantage, but the inability to duplicate leads to high confidentiality.

Confidentiality is an advantage. For example, the cryptocurrency wallet seed phrase is instructed to “write it on paper and save it.” This is an instruction that takes advantage of the fact that analog data cannot be duplicated and has high security.

The difficulty of duplication, which is a disadvantage, is also an advantage if you turn the back.

#3: Easy to understand intuitively

It also has the advantage of being intuitive and easy to understand. Pictures and music are analog data. By using pictures and music, you can express yourself intuitively rather than theoretically. Since it can express things that cannot be expressed with words or numbers, it will be possible to appeal to emotions instead of the head.

It can be said that there is an advantage that there is no limit to the expression method because of the ambiguity.

(2) Disadvantages of using analog

The disadvantage of using analog is the flip side of the disadvantage of digital. Since it is not clearly expressed numerically, it lacks accuracy. The inability to reproduce is also a disadvantage for the information society. Here, I will explain the disadvantages of using analog.

#1: Lack of accuracy

Analogs are not numerically explicit, so they are not exact. A good example would be a clock. A digital clock displays the numbers clearly, while an analog clock has a constantly moving second hand, so you can only vaguely tell how many seconds it is.

Mercury thermometers are also vague in terms of temperature difference of 0.1 degrees. Even if you look at the same thing, there will be people who say 37.1 degrees and people who say 37.2 degrees. In this way, it can be said that the fact that it is not accurate is a disadvantage.

#2: Data duplication/storage is difficult

Another disadvantage is that it is difficult to duplicate and store data. Analog data can express fine nuances, but on the other hand, it is not possible to perfectly reproduce the fine nuances. It will be easy to understand if you imagine a picture or music.

Another disadvantage is that it is difficult to store. In terms of music, records have a high reproducibility of sound, but they have the disadvantage of deteriorating. If you convert analog data to digital, you can save it, but you lose the fine nuances.

It can be said that the large amount of information, such as nuances and ambiguities, is a factor that makes data duplication and storage difficult.

Understand the characteristics of digital and analog and use them properly

Digital is “stepped cuts of continuous data”, and analog is “representation of continuous data in visible quantities”. How a digital clock works and how an analog clock works is an example that clearly shows the difference between digital and analog.

The difference between digital and analog is the method of replication and transmission. Digital data is easy to duplicate because it expresses data with numbers and indicators, but analog data cannot be easily duplicated because it does not have clear numerical values ​​or symbols. While digital data can be transferred using a personal computer, analog data transfer requires physical movement.

The advantage of using digital is reproducibility. Since information can be easily copied and shared, it has become indispensable in the modern information society. On the other hand, it can be said that the disadvantage of digital is that it is difficult to grasp the image and handle it intuitively.

The advantages and disadvantages of using analog are the flip side of digital. For humans, who receive information through their eyes and ears, it is a great advantage that it can be used intuitively, but the lack of accuracy and the difficulty of duplicating it are disadvantages for the information society.

Understanding and correctly grasping the characteristics of digital and analog will be an important literacy in the future digital society.

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