However, many people find it difficult to understand the meaning of technology. Therefore, this time, I explained the meaning of “technology”, specific examples, problems, etc. in a simple and easy-to-understand manner.

The word “technology” is often heard in the daily news. It is also used as a term in modern literature and science.


First, if you look up “technology” in a dictionary, it is written as follows.

“Science and technology” is A methodology for engineering the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes in each individual domain.

Source: Digital Daijisen (Shogakukan)

Technology ” is ” science and technology “. often translated as “Science and technology” is a combination of “science” and “technology”.

While ” science ” simply means “scientific knowledge “.

For example, the following knowledge can be said to be “science”.

  • internal workings of a computer.
  • The speed at which an object falls.
  • Mechanism of animal and plant cells.
  • The structure of the machine inside the car.
  • Mechanism of stamens and pistils.
  • The law by which hydrogen and oxygen combine.

Then ” Technology ” means ” methods of making use of science to help people’s lives .” Just to make sure, if you look up the meaning of “technology”, it is written as follows.


(1) The manner or means by which things are handled or dealt with. And I will do it.

( 2 ) A method of making use of the results of scientific research to help people’s lives.

Source: Digital Daijisen (Shogakukan)

The meaning of ② above corresponds to “technology” in “science and technology.”

In other words, ” things that use scientific knowledge to help people’s lives technology .” are called ”

Although it is not in the dictionary, “technology” in a broad sense also refers to ” general technology used by humans “. However, in general, there is no problem in thinking that it refers to “science and technology”.


What kind of “technology” is familiar to us?

The most obvious example is the “ smartphone ”.

The inside of a “smartphone” contains electrical circuits, and is designed based on scientific knowledge. As a result, we can use internet connectivity, phone lines, GPS and many other useful features.

Nowadays, even elementary school students have smartphones, and “smartphones” are a daily necessity. Therefore, “smartphone” can be called “technology”.

Televisions ” and ” cars ” are also examples of “technology.” The interiors of televisions and cars are designed and manufactured using scientific knowledge, just like smartphones.

Being made with the knowledge of science, we can receive information, travel long distances, and benefit from the convenience of our daily lives.

In addition, ” SNS ” is also a part of “technology”. it can be said that

For example, SNS such as “Twitter”, “Facebook” and “Instgram” are designed and constructed by computer programs made by programmers. Programming is a realm of science.

With this knowledge of science, we are enriching our daily lives by obtaining information from various people on a daily basis and, conversely, transmitting information. Therefore, SNS can also be called “technology” without a doubt.

All of these are familiar examples, but if science knowledge makes life more convenient, it can definitely be called “technology.”



“Technology” comes in many forms. Below are three of the most commonly used.



Biotechnology ” means ” biological engineering “.

“Bioengineering” is ” technology that uses living things to do things that are useful to humans, such as the production of medicine and food .”

For example, suppose you develop a new drug and want to test how effective it is and how much side effects it has.

However, if you suddenly use the drug on humans, it may have a big adverse effect later.

Therefore, let’s assume that we have experimentally administered drugs to mice, which are organisms close to humans, and obtained all kinds of data.

Such technology technology using living things (bio) “. is called “biotechnology” in the sense of ”



High technology ” means ” advanced science and technology “.

“Modern” means “ahead of fashion”.

For example, American giants such as Google and Amazon are truly on the cutting edge of the world.

Google is the company that runs YouTube, and Amazon is always ahead of the pack in the delivery industry.

Such companies are ” high-tech companies ” in the sense that they are “a company ahead of the times.” sometimes called

Basically, any technology that is ahead of its time can be said to be “high technology”.

Therefore, in a broad sense, “biotechnology” may be included in “high technology”.


Information technology ” refers to ” computer technology in general “.

In English, it is called “Information Technology”, and it is also called “IT” for short. In Japanese, it is a word that is also translated as “ information technology ”.

“Information technology” applies to devices such as personal computers and smartphones.

In addition, all computer-based technologies such as apps and AI are included in information technology.

All of them are useful in our lives, but “IT” is probably the most familiar among the three.



The word “technology” comes from the Greek word “techne”.

Its meaning is “ the art of living well,’ ‘ and included not only techniques using tools, but also artistic elements such as poetry and painting. “Technology” did not always equal “science and technology.”

However, in modern times, with the development of the military industry led by the state, technology has rapidly become linked to science.

While the development of science and technology today has enriched people’s lives, it has also become so huge and complex that humans cannot control it .

For example, an easy-to-understand example is the nuclear power plant accident, which has caused people anxiety and fear. This is a technology issue that cannot be overlooked.

Also, “science” is a system of abstract theories, but “technology” appears before our eyes as a concrete object.

And we use and rely on the technology of “smartphones” without scientific knowledge of, for example, “how smartphones work”.

Moreover, smartphones and the Internet have dramatically changed our lives, relationships, and world views.

Many people in the world today think that they cannot live without the Internet.

The impact of technology is not only on our daily lives, but also on our minds and senses . These points are also problems of technology.



So far, in the end we can make a conclusion about definition of Technology

Technology ” = science and technology. In a broad sense, it means “technology in general.”

Science and technology ” = anything that uses scientific knowledge to make life easier.

Familiar examples ” = smartphones, cars, TV, SNS, etc.

Usage ” = biotechnology, high technology, information technology, etc.

Our lives are full of technology. Why don’t you take this opportunity to pay attention to what kind of technology exists in the world? Keep stay with us and explore more interesting article

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