How To Replace A Honda Mower Pull Cord: A Step-By-Step Guide For 9-Year-Olds

Honda lawn mower pull cord replacement
Honda lawn mower pull cord replacement from

Step 1: Gather Your Tools

Replacing a Honda mower pull cord can seem daunting, but with the right tools it doesn’t have to be! Before you start, you’ll need a few supplies. You’ll need a Phillips head screwdriver, a pair of pliers, a drill, and a new pull cord. Don’t forget a pair of safety goggles and some work gloves to protect your hands. Ready? Let’s go!

Step 2: Remove the Cover

First, you’ll need to remove the cover of your mower. This is done by unscrewing the screws that are holding it in place. Once you’ve done that, you’ll be able to access the inner workings of the mower.

Step 3: Remove the Old Cord

Now that you have access, you’ll need to remove the old cord. To do this, use the pliers to carefully remove the staples that are holding the cord in place. Once the staples are out, you’ll be able to pull the cord out.

Step 4: Install the New Cord

Now that the old cord is out, it’s time to install the new one. Start by measuring the new cord and cutting it to the same length as the old one. Now, insert the new cord into the mower and use the staples to hold it in place.

Step 5: Attach the New Handle

Next, you’ll need to attach the new handle to the new cord. To do this, you’ll need to drill a hole in the handle for the cord to go through. Once you’ve drilled the hole, thread the cord through the hole and tie a knot on the other side to secure it.

Step 6: Test the New Cord

Once you’ve finished attaching the new handle, it’s time to test the new cord. Pull the cord a few times to make sure it’s working properly. If it is, you’re all done! If not, you may need to go back and adjust the knot or the staples.

Replacing a Honda mower pull cord may seem like a difficult task, but with the right tools and a little bit of patience, it can be a breeze. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started! “I put my toolbox in my pocket, and I’m ready to rock it!” – “Livin’ on a Prayer” by Bon Jovi

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