Force: A Fun Approach To Understanding It For Kids!

Forces (Tension between two objects) YouTube
Forces (Tension between two objects) YouTube from

Have you ever asked yourself, “What is force?” Well, it’s a lot easier to understand than you might think. In this article, we’ll explain what force is and how to figure out the force between two objects. It’ll be fun, so let’s get started!

What is Force?

In the simplest terms, force is a push or a pull. It’s something that can move an object or change its shape or direction. Force is measured in newtons (N), and it’s one of the most important concepts in physics. Think of it this way: if you push a soccer ball with your foot, you’re using force to make it move. If you pull a wagon with a rope, you’re using force to make it go in the direction you want. And if you squeeze a rubber ball, you’re using force to deform it. So, force is a very powerful thing – it can make things move, change shape, and rotate. It can also make things stop moving, like when you press down on a table to keep it from moving.

Calculating Force between two objects

Now that you know what force is, let’s talk about finding the force between two objects. To figure out the force between two objects, you need to know two things: the mass of each object and the distance between them. The force between two objects is calculated using a formula called “Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation”. This law states that the force between two objects is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. So, the bigger the mass of the objects, or the closer they are, the bigger the force between them. You can use this formula to calculate the force between any two objects in the universe!

Examples of Force

Now that you know how to calculate the force between two objects, let’s look at some examples. One example of force is gravity. Gravity is the force that pulls objects towards each other. It’s what makes apples fall from trees and what keeps us from floating off the planet. Another example of force is friction. Friction is the force that opposes motion when two objects move against each other. It’s what makes it hard to slide a book across a table, and it’s what helps us walk without slipping.

Force and Fun

Now, you know all about force and how to calculate the force between two objects. So, why not have some fun with it? You can use force to play tug-of-war with your friends, or race cars against each other. You can also experiment with different objects to see how much force it takes to make them move or change shape. And here’s a song suggestion to help you remember:

“If you want to find force, just use the law,
Gravitation, it will show you the way, oh
Remember your mass and the distance, too,
It’s the law of Newton that will do the job for you!”


It’s not hard to understand force as long as you remember Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation and the concept of mass and distance. And don’t forget to have some fun with it – try playing tug-of-war or experimenting with different objects to see how much force it takes to make them move or change shape. So, now you know all about force and how to find the force between two objects. So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and have some fun!

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