5 cheap ideas so that 2022 is a year of tranquility and happiness.

Among the good New Year’s resolutions there are always some that are constantly repeated: joining the gym, learning a language, quitting smoking, losing weight, becoming independent, traveling abroad… Of course, if they are repeated it is because we do not usually fulfill them . Sometimes it is because they require a great deal of willpower. And, other times, because they imply an economic effort that we cannot afford later.

To say goodbye to 2021, the best thing to do is think about everything that awaits us with 2022. And, to make 2022 your year, nothing better than setting yourself some realistic goals, but that they bring you a lot of  tranquility and happiness . . Therefore, take good note of these suggestions with which to receive the new year and stick with the ones that best suit your lifestyle.

Start a savings method

Saving is always one of the best resolutions for the new year. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Kakebo – For tranquility and happiness.

It consists of writing down each of the expected expenses and income, like a personal ledger. At the beginning of the month, fixed expenses and income are recorded (mortgage or rent, payroll, electricity…) and, from there, the rest of the expenses are deducted, classified by categories (clothes, leisure… ). This method allows you to see at a glance where you’re spending your money, so you know if you’re splurging on unnecessary categories . However, it requires being constant to write down everything.

  1. The 52-week method -For tranquility and happiness.

With this system, you manage to save 1,378 euros per year. It is very simple:

The first week you save one euro. The second week, two. The third, three. And so on, until week 52 you set aside 52 euros. The total sum will be 1378 euros when the year ends.

The advantage of this system is that it is very easy to start, because it is hardly difficult to set aside a few euros a week. It has many variants. You can do it the other way around and start the year saving 52 euros the first week, to end up with just one euro in week 52. Or you can also do it month by month, for example, and save 1 euro on day 1, 2 euros on day 2, 3 euros on day 3… And so on until accumulating 465 euros in 30 days.

Of course, the amounts can be adapted to the income we have. That is another strong point of this option: it is very flexible .

  1. The 50/20/30 method – For tranquility and happiness.

It consists of dividing the payroll into three parts . 50% will go to fixed expenses (mortgage, supplies, gasoline…). 20% will go to savings, as if it were an expense that you cannot eliminate. And the remaining 30% is for you to spend as you wish (leisure, culture, gifts…).

This system is very simple, although it requires knowing in advance more or less how much your fixed expenses amount to. If you need more than 50% of your income for them, you can restructure the percentages to suit you.

Call more by phone -For tranquility and happiness.

Social networks have made us forget a little personal contact with others. But there are still many, especially the older ones, who prefer to hear our voice rather than read a message on WhatsApp. Devoting a little time each week to calling those we love most can be a great resolution for 2022, especially after the months of the pandemic that have hit families so hard.

Take out life insurance -For tranquility and happiness.

The future of ours is priceless. Life insurance is a safety net for what may happen. Life is unpredictable and the peace of mind these products provide makes all the difference.

We are talking about cheap good intentions, and life insurance is. Did you know that, for less than what it costs you to go out for dinner a couple of nights, you can hire the necessary capital so that your family will be calm for several years? For example, a 45-year-old person can contract 100,000 euros for only 141 euros per year. It is less than what car insurance costs and much less than what we spend on a mobile phone, for example.

The key to making this purpose cheap is to compare prices so as not to overpay . In our comparator you can see the best offers from the most important companies in Spain. You just have to enter your age and the capital you want to contract: the platform takes care of everything else so that you only have to click.

Find a new hobby – For tranquility and happiness.

It is not necessary to pay for some very expensive classes in an academy to get started in a hobby . What if you have paid for a course and it turns out that you are not liking it as you thought? You don’t need to spend a lot to start learning a new language. Or to start with the kitchen. Or for DIY, sewing, writing, makeup, photography… The Internet has become the perfect school for beginners in any discipline. If there is something that catches your attention, surely you can find a video, a blog or a podcast that guides you. And it is that, if something must have 2022, it is moments of relaxation, leisure,  tranquility and happines in which you disconnect from day to day and enjoy.

Go out in nature once a week – For tranquility and happiness.

The hustle and bustle of everyday life sometimes make us give up one of the greatest pleasures in life: walking outdoors. A good resolution for 2022 is to reserve a space every week (or even every day) to get away from the city and enjoy nature. You can investigate a natural route near your area and organize an excursion with the whole family. Or simply visit a park that you did not know and spend some time on the grass. It is a very cheap little whim with which to brighten up next year’s days.

Have you already chosen your good resolutions for 2022?

Now it’s your turn! Choose your good resolutions for 2022 and don’t let the new year catch you off guard. Keep in mind that, if you decide now to take out life insurance, you can take advantage of year-end offers to save even more . What are you waiting for?



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