Facebook Business Manager, What and How to create it?

Have you heard of Facebook Business Manager? If you manage the social campaigns of an Internet business and you still don’t know it, I recommend that you read this article and discover the large number of possibilities that this tool offers us to manage the advertising strategies of a project.

This platform allows you to synchronize all your actions and advertising campaigns on Facebook , Instagram and WhatsApp that you carry out with any business. It is also very useful for professionals or Agencies that manage more than one Facebook page for companies , several advertising accounts or share their work with other people.

That being said, if you continue reading carefully this mega tutorial that I have prepared for you, you will discover what the Business Manager or Commercial Administrator is and what it is for , and you will also learn how this tool works.

What is Facebook Business Manager and what is it for?

The Facebook Business Manager or “Commercial Administrator” is a free platform of this social network, which helps you channel your Marketing efforts together with your own team or other people. Thanks to it, you will be able to synchronize advertising accounts, company pages, pixels, catalogs and Instagram accounts , among other assets on the network.

With the Business Manager you have the comfort of being able to work with all Facebook products from a single place, so you can create content, schedule advertising campaigns both on this network and on Instagram, analyze audiences and see all your metrics.

And the truth is that, since its creation in 2014, it has been very useful for large work teams in the Social Media area, as I mentioned before.

In addition, considering that today around 25% of the world population uses this social network, it is a very professional and “orderly” way of managing such advertising campaigns.

The Business Manager is ideal for:

  • 1º Freelancers and freelancers who work with more than one client at a time.
  • 2º Companies that have a Marketing team with different tasks and permissions.
  • 3rd Marketing Agencies in general.
  • 4º Anyone who wants to use this network professionally to grow their business or project on the Internet.

This advertising platform is not ideal for those who:

  • 1º Do not have Marketing objectives established with your business and give your social profiles a merely idle use.
  • 2º It will not advertise periodically.
  • 3º Do not be interested in growing in these digital tools.
  • 4º You do not want to know your audience in depth, as well as any statistics on engagement .

Why should I use this advertising tool In Facebook Business Manager?

These are some of the reasons why, if you have your own Internet business or are part of one, it would be quite convenient for you to use it:

  • Because it will allow you to be the owner of your business and all the assets that surround it.
  • You will encourage teamwork and the environment will become more professional.
  • Because you will be able to link different platforms (Fan Pages, advertising accounts, etc.) and manage them from the same place.
  • will be maintained Labor confidentiality and personal profiles will not be linked.
  • You can assign the specific role for each person in your organization.

In addition to its definition, we will now see together everything you need to start using Facebook Business Manager in your business.

In short, you will learn from creating an account and adding assets (or products), to assigning the appropriate administrator permissions for each person on your team… But, now, let’s go in parts:

What levels of Administrator Roles are there in “Facebook Business Manager”?

Roles are the functionality that will allow you to define the tasks that people can perform.

Level 1: Specific roles of the Business Manager

This ladder has the following options, which you can manage and manage with complete freedom:

  • Business Manager Administrators : The Business Manager has control over all assets and people within the Business Manager. It is the only one that can add and remove employees, as well as modify the configuration of the business (or delete it).
  • Employee of the Commercial Administrator: the scope of the employee will be delimited with respect to the type of Role that an administrator places on him.

Additional roles:

In addition, there are other “adjunct” roles to Level 1 above:

  • Financial Analyst: Consult financial data of the business, such as transactions, invoices, account expenses and payment methods.
  • Financial Editor – Edit credit card information and business financial data such as transactions, invoices, account spend, and payment methods.

Level 2: Roles of Pages and other assets

Depending on the asset, the role will be the one that will determine which functions the person in question can perform and which ones cannot in Facebook Business Manager.

Next, I will name the most important assets (or products) that you should know and their respective permissions.

» Company pages

  • Analyst : see statistics.
  • Advertiser : create ads and view statistics.
  • Moderator – Same as advertiser plus, send messages on behalf of the page, reply to and delete comments, remove people and ban them from the page.
  • Editor : Just like any other moderator, you can edit the page and add mobile apps , hide and delete posts.
  • Administrator – All of the above plus, manage administrator roles and business settings.

» Advertising Accounts

  • Analyst : View announcements and access reports.
  • Advertiser – Same as Analyst, plus create and edit ads.
  • Admin – All of the above, plus manage ad account settings, edit payment method, add people, and assign roles on ad accounts.

Well, now that we are on the subject and we know the function of each of the platform roles, I will show you step by step how to create and configure an account in Business Manager.

How to create and configure a Facebook Business Manager account step by step?

Next, we are going to get down to work and begin to learn more about the Business Manager.

Step 1: Create an account

To create a new account in Business Manager you must enter “https://business.facebook.com” from HERE .

You must bear in mind that you will have to log in with your personal profile and follow a few simple steps that I will show you below.

Once on the main screen, click on the “create account” button .

Step 2: Fill in your business details

In the pop-up window that you can check below, you must implement all the data of your company or Brand

Step 3: Set up your first core assets

You already have your account almost ready to start working. Now we will see how to configure your first main assets, in order to shape the “Commercial Administrator” on the platform.

You will be welcomed and have the option of taking a guided tour . If you are a newbie and you are starting from scratch, I recommend seeing the quick guide that Facebook offers you, since that way you can see each of the options and functionalities that you can edit, according to the objectives of your campaign.

Step 4: Add a Fan Page

In this next step, we must click on “Add Page”, and we will have three options, in which we can add a page to our Business Manager.

This option has no loss. You only have to click the button that I show you below:

  • Add your own page:

You can add Company Pages that you manage to your Business Manager account.

You only need to enter the name or URL of the page. In this case, since it is your own, if you are already an administrator, the account will automatically become part of the platform.

  • Add someone else’s page:

Request permission to add a Page to your Business Manager account. Again you must access by typing the name or URL of the page.

Here you must wait for approval from the person who manages the page, such as a client of the Fan Page that we manage.

  • Create a page:

If your business does not have a Fan Page, you must create one. If you have started your project from scratch and you are going to use Facebook Business Manager, you can create your page from here.

Here it is important to highlight that each person is the owner of their Fan Page, since they request administration and not ownership of third-party accounts.

This will make it easier to unlink your Business Manager account.

Step 5: Add an Ad Account

If you have a Fan Page or business page on Facebook and you are using the Business Manager, it is very likely that you will not skip this step and that you will work with Advertising on this network.

To do this, you must add an advertising account, by clicking on the button that marked you in the following image:

Click on ” Add advertising account ” and follow the steps as I explained in the previous point.

  • Add your own ad account.
  • Also include someone else’s ad account.

Create an ad account.

Here you have to pay special attention with permissions and requests, since in the advertising account you will have the payment method configured, from which this social network charges you for the ads you make.

Step 6: Add People

If you are an agency, or more than one person participates in your project, this section is very important . Now you will see why…

You must click on “Add People” and you will have the option of adding an administrator to your Business Manager or an employee, something of which we previously saw their differences.

By simply adding their email, the person will receive an email, which they must confirm, to be part of your Business Manager

Once you choose the role, you’ll be able to assign assets like Company Pages, Ad Accounts, and Catalogs to them.

Now, your Facebook Business Manager is already configured, with its corresponding assets and you are ready to start working.

In this last section I will show at a glance the “magic” bar of Business Manager, in which you will be able to access all the tools that it offers us, create ads or create a pixel, to place on the web page of your business.
By clicking on the upper left button that I mark in red in the following image, a horizontal bar will be displayed, in which you will find all the tools that this social network offers us, to be able to work and that I will explain one by one to you. continuation:

Its different options are ordered by:

  • To plan.
  • Create and manage.
  • Measure and Report.
  • Active.
  • Setting.

Here I will briefly show you the most important ones:

Column 1: Frequently used

Here you will find shortcuts to the tools you use the most. It will facilitate the location and dynamism of work.

In addition, you will improve your productivity, by not having to look for one of the specific options every time you enter the platform.

Column 2: Plan

This section consists of 2 subsections:

  • Audience Statistics: with this also free tool, you will be able to find out more about the audience, be it a database, the audience of your fan page or people on the social network in general.

Get an overview of demographics, find out what people like, get insights into lifestyles, and more.

  • Creative Hub – Creative tool for advertisers, Creative Hub is an application with which you can explore all formats, create an ad model and share it with clients or colleagues.

Creative Hub makes more predictable and gives greater exposure to the work we do every day for our clients on this social network.

Column 3: Create and manage

In this case, you can enjoy these functionalities:

  • Commercial administrator: return to the main tool, which we developed throughout the post.
  • Ads manager: just one click away from entering the tool to create your ads on Facebook Ads .
  • Page Posts: tool dedicated exclusively to posts on your page.

Here you can see existing posts, scheduled posts and announcements as well as create new ones.

  • Application panel: exclusive for Developers, if you want to create your application for the social network, this is where you have to register. More about this tool at this link .
  • App Ad Helpers: App Ads on this social network are the best way to get more people to install, use, and perform certain actions on your app.
  • Automatic Rules: With automated rules, you can create rules in Ads Manager that automatically notify you of changes to your campaigns, ad sets, or ads.

Automated rules give you more control.

Instead of having to check the performance of campaigns, ad sets, or ads on a daily basis, automated rules can run these checks for you and take action.

Otherwise, you would have to do it manually. Example: If an ad’s cost per conversion exceeds a certain amount, that ad set will be paused.

Column 4: Measure and Report

Within this fourth section, you will see these possibilities:

  • Advertising Reports: If you create ads, surely the most important thing will be the results, and with advertising reports, you will be able to get the most out of so many numbers.
  • Testing and Results: The tool helps you determine which campaign strategy is most effective in meeting your advertising goals.

Find out what works, Act on the results, Try the following strategy. Important: Part of the function is in English. You can create a test here .

  • Facebook Analytics: is the tool that allows us to measure our advertising efforts and show their results.
  • Pixels: here you can create, manage and view statistics of Pixels that you have on your website.
  • Offline Events: In order for the Platform to connect your offline events, interactions, and transactions to your advertising campaigns on the Platform, you must upload data about your customers and offline events to the Platform.
  • Personalized conversions: apart from the standard events that the social network gives us, such as: AddToCart(Add to cart) or ViewContent(Saw content) , which we find within the Pixels tool.

The platform allows you to create custom events, that is, they measure exact things, such as differentiating content or specific URLs.

  • Partner Integrations: Associate the Platform with external tools to work professionally. Connect partner accounts you use for purchases, interactions, and customer management.


Column 5: Assets

Obviously, here you can see all the assets, which I named throughout this guide. They are separated in:

  • public.
  • Images.
  • Catalogs.
  • Business locations.
  • Block lists.
  • Videos.

Here you can view each asset, modify it, delete it, duplicate it and create new ones.

Column 6: Last (and not least) about Settings – Facebook Business Manager

From here you can make the configurations in Pages, Advertising Accounts and Business Manager.

  • Adds and/or deletes payment methods.
  • Add or subtract permissions to people over their assets.

These are some of the main features that you can access from here.

Many tools to inspect and get the most out of this network for your companies.

I recommend you try one by one and see which ones generate the most advantages for your business and which one you feel most comfortable with.

I advise you to create a Commercial Administrator if:

  • You work with a Marketing team: more than one person works on the same project.
  • If you have more than one asset: Fan Page, Instagram accounts or advertising accounts.
  • You use a provider: for example, someone who handles your ad campaigns.
  • You need control over access and permissions: If you want to have control over your accounts and assets, and give the necessary access to each person on your team or external agency.



This tool, which sometimes scares many, is highly recommended for people who work with more than one advertising account or company pages on this social network.

Security and Confidentiality characterize «Facebook Business Manager».

I highly recommend its use, although it is normal for you to familiarize yourself with the platform beforehand, and with the advice in this guide, you will soon add it to your main marketing and organization tools.

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