Create Facebook Page for your business

With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook has also become a major marketing platform for professionals of all stripes. That said, having a Facebook page for your company is essential to promote your website , business or brand online. In this article we will show you how to create Facebook page for your business and the first steps to start your page and attract followers.

What is the difference between a personal profile and a Facebook page?

Before we dive into how to create a Facebook page for your business and attract followers, let’s dive into some basic terminology. You’re probably an expert at using your personal Facebook profile, but unlike a personal profile, a Facebook Business Page is designed to represent a business or organization, engage with its target audience, and build branding online. To achieve this goal, business pages are equipped with special features that are not available in a personal profile account, such as:

  • post schedule
  • Possibility of being able to direct each publication to specific groups of users
  • Allow multiple admins and editors to manage the page
  • Collection and display of customer reviews
  • Ad creation and promotion of paid posts
  • Analysis of page activity and measurement of the success and performance of each post

Why is it important to have a Facebook page for your business?

A Facebook page can benefit your business in different ways such as:

  • Strengthen your online presence
  • Increase your visibility and attract your target audience
  • Promote your products and services
  • Increase communication with your audience
  • Support your marketing campaigns
  • Generate website traffic

What do you need before creating a Facebook page?

Investigate your target audience

Before launching into creating a Facebook account for your company, you should do a little research. Study your target audience to get an idea of how to engage them in the most productive way:

  1. What are your interests?
  2. How do they communicate on social media?
  3. What kind of language and visual content do they prefer?

You can answer these questions by checking out the Facebook pages of different companies and brands in your industry. With this information, you can begin to develop your communication and publication strategy.

Crea material visual

When it comes to Facebook, you can’t overestimate the power of images. Prep your images before your page launches to make sure it looks absolutely stunning from day one. In addition to a captivating cover photo and your business profile photo, prepare photos for at least a couple of posts. This will drive more people to start following your page. Check out this guide where you can find the image sizes you should use on social media .

It is worth investing in professional photos of your products , your work space (if your company has a physical location) or events in which you have participated or organized. Depending on the type of your business, you may also want to prepare video content, product demos, tutorials, expert recommendations, and testimonials from satisfied customers.

How to create a page on Facebook?

  • Access your Facebook profile , to create your Facebook page you must log in with your personal Facebook profile. If you don’t have one yet, you’ll need to create a personal profile.
  • At the top of the home page click “Create” and select “Page” . Then choose a page category: “Business or Brand” or “Community or Public Figure” .
  • Add relevant information to your page. Choose the perfect name, a category and add more details about your business. Then click on “Create Page” . Be sure to choose a short and intuitive name so that your page is easily recognizable.
  • Select your profile and cover photo.
  • Once these steps are completed, select “Next” to go to your new page.

Personalize your Facebook page

Every company page on Facebook has an “Information” tab. Brands use this space to offer a brief description of what they offer, their history and why they are the best in their field. Facebook will ask you to enter this description as part of the process of creating your business page, so we recommend having it ready beforehand. This short text should be both inspiring and precise. Looking for inspiration? Check the “Information” sections of Havanna Argentina or Televisa for two different approaches, each compelling in its own way.

Your “About” section should include a link to your website , as well as your contact information and possibly an address. Adding these details helps your brand transparency by showing that you run a real and accessible business.

Don’t forget to set up Messenger! Like personal profiles, business Facebook Pages can use Messenger to communicate with followers privately and directly. This is a great tool for businesses and brands to maintain personal contact with followers and potential customers. With Messenger, you can answer questions on the fly, accept reservations, receive orders, and offer personalized customer service.

You don’t need to be online 24/7. Facebook allows you to set the hours of operation , so Messenger will appear active only when you’re available. You can even use the Facebook chatbot for basic questions and answers to maintain good quality of service.

Verify your page

Ever see that little blue checkmark that appears next to the username on some business pages? This icon tells followers that Facebook has verified the Page’s identity . Verification increases user confidence and tells them that they are looking at the authentic brand.

Publish content on your Facebook page

Now that your page is up and running, it’s time to get to work. Before doing any type of promotion, it is recommended that you add the content that you prepared previously. You don’t want first-time users to find your page empty, because they probably won’t come back.

Create several attractive posts. You can start with a “Welcome” post, introducing your brand to the Facebook community and inviting users to follow you. Since these posts will be published before you get a real following, it’s probably wise to save your best ideas for future posts.

You don’t need to be a professional designer to create professional posts, there are different business tools with which you can design posts for social media .

When designing your publications, take into account your calls to action or CTAs . CTAs are short phrases that make your audience take immediate action. When it comes to your posts, tailor your CTAs to the particular Facebook culture and specific brand tone.


Whether you’re asking your followers to subscribe to your blog, comment on your post, or buy your new product, you need to create the most compelling calls to action to take full advantage of Facebook as a powerful platform.

Use powerful images and imperative verbs to motivate your followers to immediate action. Give them a clear incentive that shows they have something to gain. Mix posts on trending topics with special occasions or holidays to keep your posts always relevant.

As you post, your old posts lose visibility over time and are pushed down your news feed by new posts. If any of your posts carry an important message for your brand, you can highlight it by “pinning” it to the top of the page . This way, the post will stay at the top of your timeline and be the first thing your visitors see. You can unmark the post whenever you want and even switch between the different posts you want to feature.

Attract followers to your Facebook page

Small business Facebook Pages can’t expect people to organically land on their Pages and start engaging. As a Page admin, you need to be proactive. Fortunately, Facebook offers a variety of ways to attract new followers:

  • Send invites: One of the most effective ways to build a good following is to send invites through your personal profile. Especially in the early stages, when your page is new, mobilizing your personal Facebook contacts can give a big boost to the number of likes your page will receive.
  • Post engaging content regularly: Design posts according to the likes of your target audience to make them want to see more and more. Good content is the secret weapon of any page to attract followers. To stay organized, we recommend creating a social media posting calendar . Do you need inspiration? Check out this article with content ideas for social networks .
  • Encourage followers: The biggest advantage of Facebook is that your followers can become promoters, simply by clicking ‘Share’. Encourage your followers to share your page by offering special promotions, gifts and offers to those who share your posts on their personal profiles.
  • Create a virtual community: Search for other brands, artists or organizations that are relevant to your business and start following them too. Becoming part of a relevant network will give more visibility to your content.
  • Make paid promotions: This option is the best way to increase your reach. There is no need to overspend, you can control exactly how much you are willing to spend. You also have the ability to define which groups can see your promoted posts, so you can target a more specific audience that is more likely to engage with your content.

Maintain an interaction with your followers

After creating your Facebook account for your business, interact with your followers.

  • Be attentive: Treat your Facebook business page as a true communication channel and interact with your followers. Be sure to respond to comments, visitor messages, or private messages in a timely manner. And when responding, try to create a flowing conversation by asking questions and showing genuine interest.
  • Explore Facebook content options: Your Page offers several ways to post content, from live video broadcasts to polls , special events, and offers . Take the time to learn how these options work and how they can help you promote your Page or increase engagement from your followers.
  • Analyze Your Page Insights: An essential part of running a Facebook Business Page is measuring and tracking content performance. Facebook Business Measurement Tool will become your new best friend, telling you everything you need to know about what’s working and what’s less successful with your followers. Use this information to refine your content strategy and constantly update your goals.

Now that we have seen how to create Facebook page for your business, it is time to improve your professional online presence. Create a Facebook page, design your posts , increase your website traffic and expand your audience with a Facebook page for business.

Always keep in touch with us for more interseting article



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