Business Plan: Meaning and Examples

PreThe business plan is a fundamental tool for any entrepreneur. It is a document that explains the project from the business idea to the profitability potential, going through all kinds of information about the operation and various requirements.

We offer a large number of examples of business plans, to help any entrepreneur to propose and assess their project.

Definition of the business plan

Also called a business plan, it is a report that seeks to synthesize all the relevant information of a business project to determine its viability.

The goal is to keep it simple and summarized enough so that any reader can understand how to go from business idea to future benefits.

At the same time, it contains verified and argued data that can convince a professional investor to participate in the project, or a banker to grant a loan.

On the other hand, the second main purpose of the business plan is to allow its promoters to assess the project as a whole.

Forcing them to review each aspect of the business, and to consider various problems.

In this way, it allows anticipating inconveniences that otherwise would only have been known when the activity started. Of course, not everything can be anticipated, but it is an exercise that adds value to the project.

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Business plan examples

Periodically, we are publishing models and examples on the blog that can guide entrepreneurs interested in certain sectors. So far, we have written help articles for the following businesses:

Business Plan

Outline of a business plan

Although each business plan should be a single document, it normally contains the following parts (more or less developed, and in one order or another depending on the project and the promoter’s presentation preferences):

General structure

The executive summary is the synthesis of the entire report. It can be considered as a mini business plan, since on one page (maximum two) we will find all the most important ideas of the plan.

The project description explains the idea and the business model. This is especially important when introducing something with a new business approach.

The presentation of the promoters must show investors that the people in charge of the project are the right ones.

The commercial report explains how we are going to achieve the expected level of sales.

It is an extensive part, which details the analysis of the market and the competition, the commercial strategy, and ends up setting out the bases of the sales hypotheses.

The operating plan explains the operation of the company. Presenting the Topics such as the main flows with third parties, internal organization, human resources, and in general all aspects must relevant to the business Plan

The economic and financial report details the cost of the resources necessary for the operation of the business (investment, financing, expenses) and, together with the expected billing.

It allows estimating results, treasury evolution, return on investment and a host of financial indicators.

Other important elements

Depending on the projects, there may be a need to add a technical , computer , legal , environmental report , or in any area that is relevant to the future development of the company.

A SWOT analysis is also recommended, since it allows to synthesize the strengths and weaknesses of the project, as well as its opportunities and threats while establish a business plan.

In this way, promoters can present an action plan aimed at building on strengths and taking advantage of opportunities, while taking measures to prevent threats and correct weak points.

Tips for the business plan

Be concise and to the point .

Investors and financing companies receive dozens of proposals daily, and they go to the essentials.

That is why it is so important to attract attention with a good pitch (summary of the business idea) and a good executive summary.

Be based on facts .

It is very difficult to make a realistic forecast of sales (which then determines the credibility of the entire report).

You must not be too optimistic (because nobody believes the approach), or too pessimistic (because then it is not profitable).

It is very important to look for contrasting references that serve as a basis for the hypotheses.

Talk in present .

When presenting the project in business plan, it is much better to speak in the future than in the conditional, but even better to speak in the present.

If we talk about what we are doing, the project quickly becomes a reality in progress, and not a vague dream.

By itself it is not something that is going to get the financing approved, but it adds an additional touch of credibility.

Be professional at all times .

Conveying an image of safety, precision, knowledge and professionalism goes a long way.

Let’s not forget that one of the most important points for those who invest is to trust the promoters to carry out the project.

If the document is great but the team doesn’t inspire confidence, it won’t help. A correct business plan with very well prepared promoters has its possibilities.


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