Landing Page, what is it?

Any business owner’s best buddy today is digital marketing. Understanding how to build a website is only the first step in expanding your business online. You’ll need a strong digital marketing strategy after building your website that perfectly conveys your brand message and spreads it through numerous channels. Today, we’ll delve further into one of the best resources for achieving that goal: a landing page.

Landing pages are an incredibly effective tool for brand promotion and conversion. You may more accurately target your customers and lead them through the sales funnel with a landing page. This entire tutorial will explain what a landing page is, how it functions, and how you can utilize it to your benefit. That is why we made it.

  1. What is a landing page?
  2. The difference between a home page and a landing page
  3. Benefits of a landing page
  4. When to choose a landing page?
  5. Tips de landing page
  6. How to make a landing page?
  7. What does a landing page have?
  8. Best practices when making a landing page
  9. How to attract traffic to your landing page?

What is a landing page?

A landing page or destination page is a web page designed to achieve a single objective: convert visitors into customers or leads. It is a great marketing strategy and can also be used for advertising campaigns.

These types of pages appear after a click on Google, an email marketing campaign, a social media campaign, or an online ad. A landing page entices users to click on a strategic call-to-action (CTA), such as “Get Started,” “Subscribe,” or “Buy Now.” In this way, users are persuaded to convert, whether by signing up for a free trial, subscribing to a service, or making a purchase.

Read Also : Facebook Data about you?

The difference between a home page and a landing page

Landing Page 1

Landing pages are often confused with home pages. The main difference is that a landing page is used to fulfill a specific marketing objective, while a home page is used to summarize all the information on a website (for example, about us section, image gallery, products featured, frequently asked questions and more).

Another big difference is that normally landing pages do not have links that “distract” visitors, but instead have several CTAs to push them to generate a certain action and achieve a conversion.

To give you a better idea of ​​the differences, here’s an example of a home page and landing page template:

Benefits of a landing page

Landing pages offer tremendous growth potential for your business and are a powerful tool to help your business continue to thrive. These are the main benefits of incorporating a landing page into your marketing strategy.

  • Drastically improve your conversion rate.

As mentioned above, landing pages focus on a single objective and drive your visitors to take an action. By doing so, they drive people further down the marketing funnel , from anonymous visitors to potential customers and ultimately to purchasing customers.

  • Provide valuable information about your audience.

If you include a registration form on your landing page, you can request information about your audience demographics to better understand your target market . In addition to that, the channels that work, or not, for the promotion of your landing page say a lot about the interests and habits of your potential customers. You can use this information to optimize your targeting efforts and your marketing strategy as a whole.

  • Increase the recognition and notoriety of your brand.

A well-designed landing page conveys professionalism, value, and attractiveness to your brand. Landing pages are not only a great tool for converting leads on the fly, but they also help reinforce your brand simply by spreading the word. The more people know about you, the better your business will be.

  • Landing pages are measurable.

By analyzing metrics like conversions, bounce rate, pageviews, and traffic source, you can get an idea of ​​how your marketing campaign is performing. Analyze where the traffic is coming from, for example, from a paid post or email marketing campaign, to determine which marketing assets are proving most effective.

When to choose a landing page?

No matter what your goals are, there are a few ways you can achieve them using a landing page. These are the different types of situations in which a landing page is very useful:

  • Direct users to your product:

By creating a landing page with a good CTA, such as “Buy Now”, you can take users directly to the purchase page of your product or online store .

  • Offer a free trial:

If you offer a subscription service, use a landing page for users to sign up for a free trial.

  • Capture leads from a blog post:

Turn your blog readers into leads by incentivizing them to enter their contact details in exchange for more detailed content, such as a free ebook, white paper, or even a webinar.

  • Get subscribers to your newsletter:

Use a landing page to encourage subscriptions to your email newsletter. You can include a strong CTA like “Subscribe now” and “Sign up” to get people to subscribe.

  • Get event registrations:

Capture additional leads with a landing page that entices people to register for an event, such as a webinar or online course

  • Create Membership for Users:

Use a landing page for people to sign up and pay for a membership that gives them VIP benefits, like exclusive content or member-only invites.


Tips for landing page

Now that you know the benefits of a landing page and when it’s ideal to use it, let’s dive into the two main types of landing pages:

  • Landing page for lead generation:

This type of landing page seeks to generate leads by collecting information about your audience. It usually includes a form where visitors can submit their contact information, allowing you to follow up via email and continue the line of communication. These pages are a great way to gain insight into who your potential customers are and how to reach them. To encourage users to enter their data, offer an incentive such as a coupon code, an ebook and webinar, or exclusive content through your newsletter.

  • Landing page to increase click-through rate:

This type of page takes users to a sales or subscription page. Typically, you have a CTA that sends visitors directly to the checkout flow, encouraging them to purchase or subscribe. They are often found on e-commerce sites or online stores that focus on making immediate sales.

When considering what type of landing page is right for your business, think about your goals. You interested in collecting contact information for potential customers? Are you offering a one-time sale? collecting RSVP for an event? Focusing squarely on this goal will help you create an effective and well-targeted page.

How to make a landing page?

You can create your own landing page using a ready -made landing page template . All of these templates are created by professional designers and marketing experts, making them ideal for driving conversions and making sales. They are also fully customizable, you can adapt to your brand colors, add your company logo, or anything else. You can even take the opportunity to design two different pages and see which one works best with your audience.

Check out our guide on how to create a landing page in less than an hour to learn step by step how to do it. In summary, these are the steps to follow to create a landing page:

  1. Choose a landing page template
  2. Customize the page with your content
  3. Include striking images
  4. Choose an domain name appropriate
  5. Check that all CTAs and links work
  6. Write the SEO title and description for your page
  7. Publica tu landing page

Just remember: any landing page you create needs to convey the value you’re providing. Potential customers will only provide their contact information or make a purchase from a landing page if they truly believe it can benefit them.

For more tips check out this article with landing page examples and expert advice.

What does a landing page have?

It is time to learn the basic elements web design to know exactly what to include in yours: of landing page

01. Impressive images

Capture your audience’s attention immediately with a professionally designed template, striking image, video or animation relevant to your campaign. This is your chance to shape the content in a way that emotionally impacts your visitors. Be sure to place your most important visual content at the top of the page.

By placing your most valuable content at the top of the page, visitors will be immediately engaged and more likely to make a purchase.

02. Attractive titles

Just like a newspaper headline, a landing page headline may or may not make people want to keep reading. An attractive landing page title can have interesting statistics to attract readers or include an action that speaks to the needs of your audience.

The key is to write an H1 headline, often backed by an H2 subheading, that immediately engages your audience and promises to solve their problems or improve their lives.

03. Strong calls to action

A call to action (CTA) is a short phrase that urges visitors to complete the desired goal and is one of the most important elements of a landing page. After all, 90% of visitors who read your headline will also read your call to action (CTA). This should be the action item you want visitors to take, such as Sign Up, Start My Free Trial, or Sign Up Today. We share this article with tips to perfect CTAs .

04. Highlight the benefits

On a landing page, every word counts. You have a page to persuade your visitors to click on the CTA and take action. Keep in mind that your audience is more likely to take action if they understand the benefits of your offer. Instead of giving a detailed explanation of what your offer includes, focus on explaining what people can earn if they buy or sign up.

05. Customer testimonials

Even after summarizing the benefits of your offer, you’ll need to find a way to back up what you say. The best way to do this is by providing customer testimonials. These are quotes from real customers who like, use, and know about your product.

Adding testimonials to a landing page can be instrumental in motivating people to click on the CTA because it helps build and establish trust in the brand. Also, incorporating visual components, such as photos of your customers or videos of them reviewing your product, will help grab people’s attention.

06. Conclusion

If your visitors made it to the bottom of your landing page, they are likely very interested in your product or service. Close your page with a strong conclusion and a CTA that leads them to the action you want.

Best practices when making a landing page

When creating your landing page, keep these best practices in mind to make an effective landing page for your business:

  • Avoid having a navigation menu,

as you want to keep your visitors on the page instead of sending them elsewhere. Similarly, limit your internal links so that you direct users to your CTA, instead of taking them to another page. Keep your copy short, sweet, and easy to read to grab your audience’s attention right away.

  • Make sure your ad content matches the content on your landing page.

This includes not only the text, but also the font and colors. It must be aligned with your brand. This will allow your audience to move seamlessly through your marketing funnel with ease and minimal distraction.

  • Include a CTA that stands out.

To achieve this, use clear, direct language and a CTA button that visually contrasts with the background. Place the CTA button multiple times on the landing page to give visitors the option to click regardless of where they are on the page.

  • Target specific markets.

An effective landing page directs potential customers to a specific stage of the marketing funnel. You want to be sure that the content on your page is in line with the intent of your audience. Once you’ve segmented your leads, you can even design multiple landing pages that target these different groups of leads.

  • The actions must be simple and clear.

Whether the purpose of your landing page is to collect contact information or make a sale, all forms should be short and require people to fill out only vital information.

  • Focus on the consumer.

Your landing page content should focus on the consumer, not your business. Instead of talking about how great your business is and all your accomplishments, direct your audience’s attention to how they can benefit from becoming a customer.

  • Make sure it is mobile friendly.

A good chunk of your traffic will come from mobile browsing, and these visitors are unlikely to convert if the page looks bad on your smaller screen or if it loads too slowly.

How to attract traffic to your landing page?

Now comes the fun part: driving visitors to your landing page so they can convert into customers.

01. Social networks

As one of the most prominent platforms for engaging with your target audience, social media is the first place to start promoting your landing page. Whether it’s on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or Pinterest, take the opportunity to design an engaging post with a link to your landing page. That way, you will reach people who are already interested in your brand and you will attract quality traffic.

02. Email marketing

Email marketing remains one of the most effective methods of driving traffic to your landing page. For that reason, accompany your promotion on social networks with an email marketing campaign to send to your contact list. Your landing page can get a noticeable increase in incoming visits through an email marketing campaign. If you’re not sure where to start, take a look at this email marketing guide .

03. Optimize your page for SEO

Another way to drive traffic to your landing page is by optimizing the content so that it ranks high on the results pages of different search engines (such as Google, Bing, and others). The higher your page rank, the more people will click on the link.

You can do this by adding a combination of keywords to your landing page. Be sure to include these words or terms in your title, meta description, and any headers on your page.

Building a web page with Wix means you can customize your on-page SEO, including meta tags and other on-page elements.

Also, a landing page will maintain any SEO authority you have accumulated over time. For example, if you create a landing page for a seasonal marketing campaign, it’s a good practice to keep the page running even after the campaign ends. You can then reuse the same URL when it’s time to run the campaign again. All you will have to do is update the content.

Don’t know where to start? Do not worry! We have a beginner ‘s guide to SEO that will walk you through it step by step.

04. Paid Ads

Social media marketing, email marketing, and SEO are all free ways to drive traffic to your landing page. However, if you think it could use an extra boost, consider promoting your landing page through paid ads.

  • Search Engine Ads:

Have you ever noticed the ads that appear at the top of Google results pages? Those are search results ads. Based on the keywords you define, these ads appear on Google and other search engines when people include those same terms in their searches.

  • Social Media Ads:

When you create paid posts on these outlets, social networks like Facebook promote them to people who match your target audience’s profile. That allows you to reach the kind of people who have interests and who are relevant to your product or service.

  • Ads and banners:

Another option is to use third-party ad tools to place banner ads on websites frequented by your audience

Based on your campaign goals, you can choose to diversify your advertising efforts or focus on just one of these platforms. Whatever you decide, make sure to constantly monitor your results so that you can adapt your campaign if necessary.


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